Further Results on Heilbert's Tenth Problem


Speaker:      Zhiwei Sun (Nanjing university)

Time and Venue:    2017.04.18  11:00  N202

Abstract:            Hilbert's Tenth Problem (HTP) asks for an effective algorithm to test whether an arbitrary polynomial equation P(x_1, ... ,x_n)=0 (with integer coefficients) has solutions over the ring Z of the integers.This was finally solved by Matiyasevich in 1970 negatively.

                        In this talk we introduce the speaker's further results on HTP.In particular, we present a sketch of the proof of the speaker's main result that there is no effective algorithm to determine whether an arbitrary polynomial equation P(x_1, ... ,x_{11})=0 (with integer coefficients) in 11 unknowns has integral solutions or not.