The 2017 annual summary conference of the National Natural Science Foundation of China Foundation Science Center Project "geometry, analysis and computation on manifolds"


The 2017 annual summary conference of the National Natural Science Foundation of China Foundation Science Center Project "geometry, analysis and computation on manifolds" was held in South Building 204 (AMSS, CAS) on January 28, 2018. The conference chair is Professor Xiangyu Zhou. The participants of the conference include Xiangyu Zhou, Nanhua Xi, Xiaoshan Gao, Fuzhou Gong, Yuefei Wang, Feimin Huang, Binyong Sun and 27 project youth members, 4 academic advisory committee members: Zhiming Ma, Zongben Xu, Pingwen Zhang and Jiang Song, 6 NSFC project management experts: Qingguo Meng, Tiangang Lei, Cheng He, Panfeng Zhang, Guiping Zhao and Guochang Chen.

       Professor Zhou Xiangyu Professor Binyong Sun, Professor Fuzhou Gong and Professor Xiaoshan Gao gave talks to summarize the result of 2017 for the project. In 2017, the project set up three youth research teams, recruited international post-doctors and set up Hua Loo-Keng scholarship. The project carry out high-level academic activities and obtained some new results: Kazhdan-Mazur nonzero hypothesis, new results of BSD conjecture, proof of Yau’s conjecture and Lyons-Peres conjecture, a new framework of the optimization of complex systems, the theory of parameter selection for PID controller in complex systems. A lot of new talents were found in the project, such as Xin Wan, Xu Shen, Xiaokui Yang, Yanqi Qiu, etc.