Short Programme on Nonlinear Diffusion Equations and Nonlinear Elliptic Equations
Short Programme on Nonlinear Diffusion Equations and Nonlinear Elliptic Equations
Nonlinear parabolic, hyperbolic and evolution equations with random terms, the existence, uniqueness and structure of solutions for these problems are important issues. Especially the study of singular structure of solutions for the nonlinear evolution equations, even with smooth initial value, the solution may also be singular at finite time, it is necessary to study the cause of singularity, the position of singularity, the time of occurrence, the possibility of continuation and the properties after the occurrence of singularity.
The Hua Loo-keng Center for Mathematical Science plans to hold seminars on nonlinear diffusion equations and nonlinear elliptic equations in 2017. The person responsible for the event are professor Cao Daomin and Zhang Liqun.